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Walking Places in Ankara Where You Can Take a Comfortable Breath

Ankara, which is one of the best cities in terms of comfort among the cities of Turkey, is one of the attractive places for many people. It is possible to relax, take pleasant walks, have fun as you wish or create business travel plans in this city with wide possibilities. In general, walking places where you can breathe easy in Ankara can be listed as follows.

  • Mogan Lake
  • Eymir Lake
  • Segmenler Park
  • Goksu Park
  • Kugulu Park

Except for the 5 places listed, there are many places where you can wander comfortably. If you want some vitality and movement; Kızılay is the most suitable option. It can be said that it is a place that will not force you in terms of transportation. It should also be noted that it is a very distinguished area. Because it is possible to find many things you are looking for here. Important buildings, public institutions, shopping areas, cafes and restaurants are on its various and exclusive streets.

Accommodation Address in Ankara

Although the accommodation address in Ankara stands out with different hotel options, we can talk about very rare addresses especially for the central location sought. When we do a detailed research, we should state that the most important accommodation option in Ankara is Konur Hotel. General hotel services, spacious rooms, clean, family-friendly and at the same time convenient location for all the desired activities show that it is very attractive. Apart from this, he states that it is the most popular address in general, as it is the most affordable hotel rather than being close to all the places sought. 90% of the guests show that they are satisfied in this respect and give full marks. You should not forget to choose Konur hotel for a comfortable stay and to profit from your current budget.

Nature Walking Areas in Ankara

Ankara is a centrally located place that can be easily reached from many cities. Although it is generally considered as a city of civil servants, there are also many nature formations belonging to this place. Therefore, it may be possible to say that it provides an indispensable city taste in every sense. Although the only deficiency is considered to be the sea, the lakes and various natural areas around it can sometimes satisfy this desire. Nature walking areas in Ankara are listed as follows.

  • Soguksu National Park
  • Aluçdağı Forest Area
  • Camlidere Geopark
  • Sorgun Lake
  • Çamkoru Area
  • Hawks
  • Black Lake
  • Egriova Nature Park
  • Eymir Lake
  • Ankara's Largest Park

Standing out with its orderliness and transportation comfort, Ankara has the characteristics of a city with the largest park formations in general. The biggest park of Ankara, which you can easily reach from the accommodation address and where you can visit with your family all day long, is the Atatürk forest farm and zoo. In Ankara, this is a place known as AOÇ. Kokorec shops, which are open until late at night, are famous here. It is a very affordable excursion route. It is one of the natural places where you will have a pleasant time as it is a must-see place. It is also found in shops where various food shopping can be done. Thanks to its close proximity to the central areas, it is also possible to reach it from anywhere. That's why it is a park that is in demand every month of the year.

What Is Ankara Famous For?

One of the most interesting subjects in the travel programs is the famous things of that city. It is possible to list many things when it comes to what Ankara is famous for. Although it is a developed city, it is seen that the formations of natural places are intact and many places are sheltered. When we are going to list the famous things, we should say that the Angora cat is very important. City people, who also give a special value to animals, are especially at the forefront with their cats. If we are to list the general famous or other famous things, we can say that the following list is a major order.

  • Mausoleum
  • Museum Of Anatolian Civilization
  • Ankara Stick Pickles
  • Ankara Crispy Bagel
  • Ankara Beypazari Carrot Delight

Although the ones listed above are the most famous ones, it is possible to mention a thousand and one subjects. In general, it is possible to reach many street delicacies or pickle juice or bagels from Ankara Kızılay. Because Kızılay is the backbone and center of Ankara.




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